The COVID-19 Diaries day 5
03/27/2020 12:13:29 AM
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ליל שישי, ב' בניסן, תש"פ
Thursday, March 26, 2020
I can’t wait for it to pour!
I’ve never heard anyone say that they can’t wait for it to pour. But tonight I said exactly that to my wife. Yes, it was primarily because I was in one of those moods and wanted attention, but that wasn’t the full intent behind my comment.
Today, we had our gutters replaced.
The truth is that I do kind of want it to pour, because I want to see if they really work. I paid money to have it done and I want to see the return on my investment.
I had been a little nervous, because in my case, the gutter replacement was somewhat of a process. Yesterday, the old gutters were removed and the fascia board replaced, so I was feeling rather vulnerable. Yesterday, I certainly did not want it to rain. But today, when the job is done, I can’t wait for my nachas.
HKBH gives us challenging times, in which we need to replace our parts and work on new keilim - new perspectives. That is a delicate time for us. Once we have worked on ourselves and have new perspectives, however, the tests we pass give HKBH great nachas.
11 Adar 5785
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Shacharis : 6:00am |
Earliest Tallis/Tefillin : 6:19am |
Mincha/Maariv : 6:40pm |
Shkiah : 6:58pm |
Gemara Shiur : 8:00pm |
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Shabbos, Mar 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 14, 6:43pm |
Taanis Esther & Erev Purim
Thursday, Mar 13 |
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